Claudia Hehr


Today at The Heavy Light, Dirk Anschütz' blog, is an article about photographer Claudia Hehr.

"Claudia Hehr is a young, talented New York-based photographer transitioning from assisting to shooting full time. Obviously never an easy step, it is probably even harder in these tough times of ours. A great thing to do for a young photographer (or an old one, for that matter) is, to work on a good project. Hone your craft, build a showpiece and be a good human being, and that's exactly what Claudia Hehr did with NAKED, her beautiful, unflinching reportage about a woman's struggle with breast cancer." - Dirk.

The series works so well because it avoids sensationalism and voyeurism, simply depicting the reality of that which we all fear.

© Claudia Hehr

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