Robert Pledge's exhibition CONTACT/S, hosted most recently at Nordic Light, is monumental.
One would not expect anything less - the show, the layout, photographs from the building of the Berlin Wall to the falling of the Twin Towers, there's nothing to be done but really see, remember, hold photographers in awe and, if you're like me, let the tears run. Perhaps the one uplifting series was the gorilla who rescued a little boy who fell over the railings at the Chicago zoo showing us the humanity we can't see in most of the rest of the photographs. Even the first second of the new millennium, shot in Times Square, is full of Guiliani's disturbing mug.
And of course, the contact sheet is disappearing fast.
Leaving the show, I felt John Botte's interview deserved another airing.
John Botte: The 9/11 Photographs from In The Loupe on Vimeo.