J A Mortram: Small Town Inertia


From Heidi & Ed: The fight for our children © J A Mortram

Jim Mortram is up-front about his own situation as a full-time caregiver, and in what spare time he has he photographs people in the margins, people in difficult circumstances - mentally or physically ill or just plain in-trouble. He gives them space to tell their stories, and the results are intimate and non-judgmental. Jim photographs warmly, with obvious compassion and investment in people's lives. "No matter who I shoot I want to shoot them forever!"

Mortram is a member of Aletheia Photo collective. Read a short interview with him at sevenbyfive or view his work with 'Independent Arts and Minds' over on the Beeb.

Visit his site for the full stories, be inspired - you will find yourself wanting to know how things turn out.

View the aCurator magazine full screen photography feature.

Update: a piece focusing on Jim's series Simon: Living With Epilepsy over at DuckRabbit's top blog.

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